ㅡ Experience
ThinkDrop / FounderMAY 2018 - PRESENT- Designed and implemented DevShop.Cloud, a hybrid cloud solution for Drupal. DevShop.Cloud connects any server running open source devshop, and offers fully installed DevShop cloud servers through the same portal.
- The DevShop.Cloud portal, a proprietary Drupal 7 site, provides single-sign-on, support channels, server statistics, monitoring, team management, and billing.
- The backend management tool, https://dashboard.devshop.support is a private DevShop that can create, track and destroy all servers. The open source Aegir Cloud module allows users to create and destroy cloud servers, and the Aegir Ansible module allows automatic configuration using the Aegir platform.
- By leveraging open source tools such as Ansible, CAS, StatsD, & Icinga, the DevShop.Cloud portal can be used monitoring both cloud and self-hosted servers in any datacenter with any network configurations.
Contegix / Director of Product, Open SourceFEB 2020 - AUGUST 2020- Research, strategy, evangelism, roadmap, development and commercialization of Drupal & CMS hosting products and open source tools.
ThinkDrop Consulting / FounderDECEMBER 2009 - MAY 2018Major clients listed below. Additional clients include, but are not limited to Sony Music, Method Interactive, PBS, Ruder Finn, Nokia, Bureau Blank, Strawberry Frog. Harvard Medical School / Development & SupportJUNE 2013 - PRESENT- PROMPT / Project Lead / prompt.hms.harvard.edu
Designed and developed the internal billing portal for HMS in Drupal 7. Integrates with “Harvard General Ledger” system through SSH/FTP. Wrote suites of Behat tests to ensure accurate input, storage, and processing of critical financial data. - DevShop / devshop.hms.harvard.edu
Deployed DevShop server internally on HMS provided VMs for production hosting for PROMPT and 6 other Drupal 6 & 7 websites.
NuCivic / Drupal Platforms ConsultantSEPTEMBER 2013 - MARCH 2016Engage NY / PCG / NYS-DOE / engageny.org SEPTEMBER 2013 -SEPTEMBER 2015 Lead the recovery, re-engineering and redesign of the site, a combined curriculum database and teacher networking site for the State of New York Department of Education built on Drupal 7. Implemented DevShop for CI/CD and Behat tests to eliminate bug regressions and recover velocity.EbolaData.org / IBM / NuCivic / eboladata.org
FEBRUARY 2015Called to urgently repair hacking of the manually-supported server for the EbolaData.org project by installing a brand new DevShop instance on a new Softlayer server. Created a server and migrated the site to it in about 20 minutes. JULY 2015Deployed & supported DevShop on SoftLayer server for the Government of Sierra Leone’s Open Data Portal. FEBRUARY 2015 - 2016 Deployed & supported DevShop to host CI/CD for all NuCivic customer Drupal sites, including DKAN portals like HealthData.gov, FEMA, State of Georgia, and North Dakota GIS. Up to 14 sites ran Pull Request environments and automated Behat tests on a single server. FEBRUARY 2015 - 2016 Deployed and supported DevShop for North Dakota State Government GIS department inside their data centers on managed RedHat Enterprise servers to host their open data portal. FEBRUARY 2015 - 2016 Designed & built customer portal for NuCivic SaaS platform in Drupal 7. Added server creation capabilities to Aegir using SoftLayer APIs. Designed to be integrated with IBM Marketplace. Resulted in the creation of the IBM Marketplace and Aegir Cloud Softlayer modules. MSNBC.com / Lullabot / Migration Team Lead FEBRUARY 2013 - AUGUST 2013 Subcontracted by Lullabot to build the Migrate.module tools to import multiple Wordpress websites content into the new Drupal 7 powered MSNBC.com. Supervised a self-driven team of 2 to complete the task.
ThinkDrop Consulting / FounderDECEMBER 2009 - PRESENTInstitute for Integrative Nutrition / Drupal ConsultantDECEMBER 2011 - FEBRUARY 2013
Lead the architecture and trained a team on building a social network for graduates of the institute. Deployed Aegir server to host production and development environments. Codified deployment scripts as Aegir modules, which became DevShop. - Curriculum App / Project Lead
Lead a team of 5-7 developers to build a decoupled web application powered by Drupal and JQuery for students to browse and watch curriculum videos. Imported hundreds of videos from BrightCove, provided a clean editor experience via Drupal, and a second, static HTML and JS only application was built to integrate with Services.module via REST. Lead the architecture and trained a team on building a social network for graduates of the institute. Deployed Aegir server to host production and development environments. 5ivePoints / Mobile App for Campaigns / 5ivepoints.comOCTOBER 2011 - MAY 2012Helped rebuild the Drupal 7 backend for the mobile app using Organic Groups, Services module with REST, and a Mongo DB backend. Sencha mobile framework was used for mobile and native apps. Deployed and managed an Aegir and DevShop server for dev, test, and production sites. Imbee.com / Project LeadJUNE 2009 - JANUARY 2010Lead a team of 5 to design, architect, and built a private, safe & secure social network for kids and their parents. Built on Drupal 6, Utilized Organic Groups & Spaces, and created Spaces Permissions modules, allowing parents have total control over child account permissions.BlogHer.com Upgrade / Project LeadSEPTEMBER 2009 - APRIL 2010Lead a team of 5 to upgrade the main site to Drupal 6. Migration of hundreds of thousands of pages, with thousands of taxonomy tags, including merging hundreds of duplicates. Deployed Aegir 1.x server for development & hosting environments. ARIS / Wireless Generation / NYCDOE / Consultant JULY 2008 - SEPTEMBER 2008Advised, planned, and developed team of 7-10 working on a Drupal 5 portal for all teachers and parents in the New York City school system. Organic Groups, Panels, data migration, team building, training, leadership, planning. Trellon / Drupal Developer OCTOBER 2006 - SEPTEMBER 2007Built numerous Drupal sites, commerce, community, organic groups, integrating with CiviCRM, Salesforce, many other APIS. Built CRMAPI Drupal module, Salesforce, web audio & video services, Drupal 4.5.x - 5.x sites. Major clients included Oceana, Rainforest Action Network Blue Planet Run, the Columbia Spectator, The Red Cross, 247TownHall, and EndOil.org. Mentored junior developers and managed teams of up to 5 developers. YPB&R / Drupal Developer 2005-2006Developed numerous Drupal web applications for tourism advertising industry. CMS for Marriott Hotels required migrating a custom CMS built on a single database table with ~150 columns. Created a website that provided a map of Panama City Beach with hundreds of locations stored in Drupal, piped to Google Maps. Florida Organic Growers / Web Developer & IT Support2000-2003Provided IT support for over 20 staff and computers. Designed, developed, and deployed 3 websites using a self-built CMS with news, forums, and homepage editing in PHP & MySQL. Upgraded all 3 sites to Drupal ~4.5. University of Florida Web Administration / Developer1999 - 2002Develop standard HTML and CSS templates for use by administrative department websites. Create JSP/Struts web applications for managing documents. |